Essential Tips For Late-Night Cab Travelling Save emergency contacts: Always save your family, friends, local police, and trusted contacts higher in your phone contact list in case of emergency. Enable GPS tracking: Share your live location with your close ones through a ride-sharing app or messaging app before starting a ride. Verify your ride: Only use marked cabs or reputable companies; also verify the number plate of the cab with the app from where you booked the ride. Agree on fare: Discuss the price with the driver before getting in to avoid any further arguments. Note the licence plate: Take a discreet photo of the licence plate for safety. Sit in the back seat: Always choose the back seat for more space and a quicker exit. Stay alert: Trust your instincts and speak up if anything feels wrong. Maintain confidence: Never reveal you're alone to maintain safety. Ensure safety: Before entering the cab, check for the child lock feature on the door.