Organic Spices: Know Myths And Facts About Them

Myth 1: Organic Spices are Completely Pesticide-Free

Fact: While organic spices may not be 100% pesticide-free, they significantly reduce the exposure to synthetic chemicals compared to conventionally grown options. It can be particularly important for frequently used spices.

Myth 2: Organic spices have an indefinite shelf life.

Fact: Just like any other natural product, even spices are prone to getting spoiled. Even organic spices require storage in airtight containers away from heat and light to preserve the freshness and potency of the spices.

Myth 3: Organic Spices are Always More Expensive

Fact: Opting for organic spices might be a worthwhile investment. Being devoid of preservatives, harmful chemicals, and pesticides, organic spices do not have the same health repercussions as conventional spices. This actually compensates for the relatively higher price of organic spices.

Myth 4: Spices work wonders in their fresh form rather than in their dry state

Fact: Before coming to a conclusion, one should keep in mind that dry spices devoid of moisture are more potent than fresh spices. Additionally, there are also cases where certain herbs are actually toxic when used in their fresh state.

Inputs from: Akash Agrawal, Co-Founder of Zoff Foods