Monsoon Plant Care:

Easy Steps To Take Care Your Jade Plant Amid Rain

Published by: ABP Live
Image Source: Canva


A jade plant thrives when gradually watered and needs less water than most succulents; overwatering can lead to root rot.

Image Source: instagrm/ugaoo

When the leaves are plump, it means the plant has enough water, and giving it more can damage the plant, leading to a condition called edema.

Image Source: instagram/aparnamango


Mealybugs will form white, cottony patches at the joints where leaves are attached to stems and secrete honeydew which provides an ideal location for the spores of the fungal disease to settle upon.

Image Source: instagram/ cooking and movies

Avoid direct sunlight:

Exposing to direct sunlight will develop brown leaves and die as they grow.

Image Source: INSTAGRAM/

As they grow in a light, this can cause the leave to scorch and turn yellow. So indirect light is good for the health of this plant. Trail vines are super fast growing if you keep in indirect sunlight

Image Source: INSTAGRAM/aparnagomango

Give your plant several hours of sufficient sunlight to avoid the stretched look.

Image Source: INSTAGRAM/ohiotropics

Use paper towel:

Simply lay down the paper towels, it will absorb too much water and watch the plant grow in a few weeks.

Image Source: instagram/ohiotropics

Provide good rain shower:

Rainwater contains beneficial nutrients that can boost the growth of the plant.

Image Source: instagram/greenheaven.ig

During the rainy season, jade plants do not like to be too wet. After a rain shower, allow the leaves to dry out, and check the soil regularly.

Image Source: instagrm/ goodgrowing