Nature's Giants: Explore Earth's Largest Living Beings

Honey Fungus: It is a fungus colony covering over 2,385 acres in Oregon, making it one of the largest living fungi on Earth.

General Sherman: It is the largest tree by volume, a Giant Sequoia weighing an estimated 2.7 million pounds.

Lion's Mane Jellyfish: It is the longest animal species, with tentacles that can stretch up to 120 feet.

Bootlace Worm: It can grow up to 80 feet long and is one of the longest flatworm species.

Blue Whale: It is the largest mammal by weight, growing up to 100 feet long.

African Elephant: It is the largest land animal, weighing up to 13 tons.

Giant Squid: It can grow up to 46 feet long and is the largest invertebrate.

Pando: It is a massive clonal colony of quaking aspen trees, with a single root system estimated to weigh over 13 million pounds.

Corpse Flower: It is the world's largest flower, growing up to 3 feet wide and weighing up to 15 pounds, known for its foul odor resembling rotting flesh.