Ganesh Chaturthi 2024:

Elevate Your Home With These Festive Decor Ideas

Published by: ABP Live
Image Source: Canva

1. Simple colour palette:

Stick to a limited colour scheme, like monochromatic whites, creams, or metallic tones.

Image Source: Canva

2. Natural elements:

Incorporate natural elements like pinecones, branches, and evergreen leaves.

Image Source: Canva

3. Minimal ornaments:

Use a few, carefully chosen ornaments that add a touch of elegance.

Image Source: Canva

4. Candles and lighting:

Create warmth with candles, fairy lights, or string lights.

Image Source: Canva

5. Textured accents:

Add depth with natural textures like wool, linen, or wood.

Image Source: Canva

6. Focal point:

Create a focal point, like a simple wreath or a statement piece, to draw the eye.

Image Source: Canva

7. Edit and curate:

Ensure every item serves a purpose and adds to the festive atmosphere.

Image Source: Canva

8. Greenery garland:

Use a simple greenery garland to add a pop of colour and freshness.

Image Source: Canva

9. Monochromatic tree:

Opt for a monochromatic tree with a limited ornament selection.

Image Source: Canva

10. Simple centerpieces:

Create simple centerpieces with natural elements, candles, or minimal decor.

Image Source: Canva

Inputs By:

Aatika Manzar - Founder of Aatika Manzar

Image Source: Canva