10 Food Items To Inlcude In Diet For A Happy And Healthy Digestive System

Whole grains Whole grains are full of fibres, antioxidants, and other micronutrients which are beneficial for our gut health as it acts as a prebiotic that helps to feed your good intestinal bacteria

Green leafy vegetables Green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and kale are rich in dietary fibres as well as vitamins, minerals, and iron and can improve your gut system and work in a better way.

Yoghourt Yogurt contains a high amount of calcium and phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium and since it’s fermented, it has many probiotics that increase the friendly bacteria in your gut which help in your digestive process.

Ginger Its anti-inflammatory properties improve your metabolic functions. It helps you easily digest your food without irritating your intestines.

Cucumber Rich in water and fibre, cucumber helps the body stay hydrated, thereby regulating bowel movements and reducing constipation.

Cumin (Jeera) & Carom (Ajwain) seeds Cumin seeds aid in digestion & reduce bloating, Carom seeds are known to relieve gas and ingestion.

Oats Oats, being rich in phosphorus, copper, vitamin E, and zinc, also help decrease constipation by providing the body with the right amount of fibres that usher the functioning of your digestive system.

Banana They are rich in potassium and can be very useful to restore the loss of electrolytes when one is suffering from diarrhoea. They also help treat gastrointestinal infections, ease irritable bowel movements, and boost metabolism.

Almonds Almonds are prebiotics that feed the good bacteria in the gut system. Rich in vitamin E and several other minerals, almonds are a good food for the intestines and gut and also offer a lot of other health benefits.

Chia Seeds Chia seeds are one of the best superfoods for improving digestion as they are rich in fibre that, when consumed, form a gel-like substance in the stomach.

Inputs by: Dr. Apurrva Sawant: Preventive Healthcare Expert and Founder of Careport Limited