Eco-Friendly Habits That We Can Develop For A Greener Planet

1. Avoid purchasing plastic bottles due to their significant contribution to landfills; opt for a reusable canteen and glass bottles when possible.

3. Plant trees to combat air pollution by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen, leading to cleaner air and improved health in cities.

4. Save water by using technology to purify and reuse it, alongside simple habits like shorter showers and turning off faucets when not in use.

5. Save energy by installing LED bulbs, reducing energy consumption by 75%, and being mindful of turning off lights and appliances at home or during holidays.

6. Choose self-production of items like food, soaps, and cosmetics to reduce carbon emissions, packaging waste, and transportation impacts.

7. Opt for sustainable mobility such as trains or bicycles to minimise your carbon footprint, improve air quality, and reduce environmental strain.

8. Shop consciously by avoiding excess packaged food, choosing necessary quantities, supporting local and organic products, and minimising food waste.

9. Embrace second-hand items to reduce waste in a consumeristic society, promoting reuse and giving objects a second life.

10. Use washable nappies for babies to save money, protect the environment, and prevent skin irritation compared to disposable options.