The universally beloved pets, dogs come in various breeds fit for small spaces. They do have a tendency to bark and disturb neighbors and their exercise requirements.
Cats generally do well in apartments because they spend a good amount of their day sleeping curled up in a favourite spot.
Small birds like parrots can be good companions in apartments but make sure to give them enough interaction.
Bettas are very popular small pets, as they can thrive in a fairly small tank. They are however aggressive.
Small snakes like the corn snake, do not have large tank size requirements and don't need to be taken out for exercise.
They don’t ask for much beyond cage cleaning and feeding at time. It is recomemended to have 2 so that they don’t get lonely.
There are smaller rabbits that would do well with a small space such as the Netherland Dwarf and the Mini Satin are fitting.
They are active animals so make sure to get a large cage for them so that they can play.
Not a large one or a tortoise but you may be able to keep a smaller turtle in your apartment.