Television diva Shraddha Arya attended the Zee Rishtey Awards 2021 recently. The 'Kundali Bhagya' actress glammed up the red carpet of ZRA in a gorgeous red saree. Shraddha Arya, who recently got married, exuded excellence in this bold yet tradiitonal attire. She wore matching sleeveless blouse with her red saree. Shraddha wore a choker necklace and matching earrings to complete her look. She tied up her hair into a sleek bun, giving it the perfect enhancement to her entire look. Shraddha Arya donned light make-up look with pink lips. The newly married actress wore vermillion and chooda with her stunning saree. Shraddha Arya got married to Indian Navy office Rahul Nagal on November 16, 2021. Shraddha Arya is currently portraying the role of Preeta in Zee TV's 'Kundali Bhagya'.