Actress Priyanka Chopra donned some stunning looks for the promotion of 'The Matrix Resurrections'. The actress looked a total slayer in a net bodysuit teamed with a net jacket. Priyanka looked flawless as she donned a blood red pant suit. She highlighted her look with open tresses and winged eyeliner. Priyanka exuded Boho vibes in a green shimmer shirt and white printed sarong. The messy bun and silver loops with the bold red lipstick made her look extremely sensuous. The 'Citadel' actress looked ravishing in a snake print dress. Wearing a matching overcoat, Priyanka rocked the look. Priyanka looked ravishing in a printed white and blue bodycon sheath dress. She looked very much like her character 'Sati' in 'The Matrix Resurrections'.