Horoscope Today: Moon influences zodiac signs, astrological predictions for September 20.

Aries: The Moon resides in your 7th house today, possibly leading to family-related challenges.

Taurus: With the Moon in your 6th house, your relationship with your life partner may become sweeter.

Gemini: The Moon in your 5th house means students can expect improvements in their studies.

Cancer: The Moon is in your 4th house, potentially bringing challenges in home renovation.

Leo: The Moon is in your 3rd house, enhancing your self-esteem and courage.

Virgo: With the Moon in your 2nd house, you might experience financial growth.

Libra: The Moon is in your 1st house, fostering intellectual development.

Scorpio: With the Moon in your 12th house, unresolved issues may come to a resolution.

Sagittarius: The Moon is in your 11th house, suggesting potential benefits from helping others.

Capricorn: The Moon is in your 10th house, indicating the possibility of a job promotion.

Aquarius: The Moon is in your 9th house, suggesting that your social life will thrive.

Pisces: The Moon is in your 8th house, indicating the resolution of unresolved issues.