Horoscope Today: Moon influences zodiac signs, astrological predictions for September 19.

Aries: The Moon resides in your 7th house today, promising potential profits in business through new products.

Taurus: The Moon resides in your 6th house, signaling a release from enmities and rivals.

Gemini: The Moon is in your 5th house, indicating sudden financial gains.

Cancer: The Moon is in your 4th house, which might affect your mother's health.

Leo: The Moon is in your 3rd house, indicating increased vigour and courage.

Virgo: The Moon is in your 2nd house, which might bring resolution to ancestral property matters.

Libra: The Moon is in your 1st house, indicating intellectual development.

Scorpio: The Moon is in your 12th house, signifying the resolution of unresolved matters.

Sagittarius: The Moon is in your 11th house, signifying that identifying and fulfilling your duties will shine your destiny.

Capricorn: The Moon is in your 10th house, indicating a probable job promotion.

Aquarius: The Moon is in your 9th house, suggesting that helping someone may brighten your luck.

Pisces: The Moon is in your 8th house, indicating the resolution of unresolved issues.