The Refreshing Health Benefits Of Lassi

Lowers Body Temperature: Lassi cools the body and quenches thirst, especially with added cumin, mint, and salt.

Improves Digestion: Lassi's probiotics promote a healthy gut and ease digestion.

Strengthens Immune System: Lactic acid, vitamin D, and probiotics in lassi boost immunity.

Effective for Bone Health: Rich in calcium, lassi strengthens bones and teeth.

May Reduce Blood Pressure: Potassium in lassi helps lower high blood pressure.

Protects Your Skin: Lactic acid in lassi fights infections and keeps skin moisturised.

Aids Healthy Weight Loss: Unsweetened lassi can help with weight loss and keep you full.

Helps in Detoxification: Riboflavin in lassi aids in detoxifying the body.

Boosts Energy Levels: Consuming lassi in the morning provides energy and keeps you active.