Suicide Awareness Day: Understanding The Connection Between Mental Health And Suicide

Published by: ABP Live
Image Source: Pinterest/behance

Multifactorial Nature:

Suicide risk stems from a complex interplay of psychological, social, and biological factors.

Image Source: Pinterest/verwirrtemami

Early Intervention:

Addressing mental health issues promptly can significantly reduce suicide risk.

Image Source: Pinterest/huffpostuk

Stigma Barrier:

Social stigma often prevents individuals from seeking help for mental health concerns.

Image Source: Pinterest/pexels

Cognitive Distortions:

Mental health conditions can distort thinking, making suicide seem like a viable option.

Image Source: Pinterest/goodhousemag

Protective factors:

Strong social connections and a sense of purpose can buffer against suicidal thoughts.

Image Source: Pinterest/elevationchurch

Chronic pain link:

Individuals with chronic pain conditions face elevated suicide risk.

Image Source: Pinterest/longevityregenerative

Impulse Control:

Some mental health conditions impair impulse control, potentially increasing suicide risk.

Image Source: Pinterest/cnet

Trauma Impact:

Childhood trauma and adverse experiences contribute to both mental health issues and suicide risk.

Image Source: Pinterest/ViewBug

Medication Considerations:

Certain psychiatric medications may initially increase suicide risk before therapeutic effects set in.

Image Source: Pinterest/behance

Seasonal Patterns:

Suicide rates often show seasonal variations, with peaks in spring and early summer.

Image Source: Pinterest/kalunaasky

Genetic Factors:

A family history of suicide can increase an individual's risk, suggesting genetic components.

Image Source: Pinterest/dailymail

Dual Diagnosis Complexity:

Co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders present unique challenges in suicide prevention.

Image Source: Pinterest/mind_help

Economic Stress:

Financial hardship and job loss can exacerbate mental health issues and suicide risk.

Image Source: Pinterest/themotleyfool

Gender Disparities:

While women attempt suicide more often, men generally have higher rates of completed suicide due to more lethal methods.

Image Source: Pinterest/diegoramirex635

Neurobiological Factors:

Imbalances in neurotransmitters like serotonin are associated with both mental health disorders and increased suicide risk.

Image Source: Pinterest/x0112358132134

Chronic Illness Impact:

Long-term physical health conditions often correlate with increased depression and suicide risk, necessitating integrated care approaches.

Image Source: Pinterest/poppywatt

Inputs By:

Dr Chandni Tugnait, MD (A.M) Psychotherapist, Life Alchemist, Coach & Healer , Founder, Director, Gateway of Healing

Image Source: ABPLIVE AI