Health Hazards Of Junk Food

The saturated fats and sugar in junk food can elevate triglycerides and cholesterol, which may increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

As it doesn't contain nutrients and has a depressive sugar effect, the risk of melancholy, stress, anxiety, and memory loss has increased.

Junk food affects oral health; it may cause cavities, gum disease, tooth decay, and more.

 These foods are the cause of many stomach-related diseases like indigestion, bloating, and constipation due to their low fibre content.

 Junk food is the cause of quick energy that may cause energy crashes and fatigue.

 It has a lack of essential nutrients that may reduce the immune system, and may cause infections.

 These foods are oily and have low antioxidants, which can cause acne, inflammation, premature ageing, and more.

Insulin resistance, hormonal acne, and irregular menstrual periods are all results of the hormonal imbalance caused by junk food.

 Children who regularly eat junk food suffer from delayed physical and cognitive development, which hinders their ability to grow and learn.