Benefits Of Consuming Milk For People With Low Calcium Levels

1. Milk is rich in calcium, protein, magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, iodine, riboflavin, vitamins A and B12, selenium, and essential fatty acids.

2. Calcium is vital for strong bones and teeth, blood clotting, nerve signalling, muscle function, hormone release, and maintaining a normal heartbeat.

3. Although non-milk sources of calcium exist, milk's calcium is more easily absorbed and bioavailable due to its protein content.

4. Milk's casein and whey proteins bind calcium, preventing precipitation and enhancing absorption.

5. Phosphorus in milk, present as inorganic phosphates, positively impacts bone health.

6. Milk helps increase calcium absorption and levels, particularly in individuals with low calcium.

7. Calcium is necessary for all age groups except infants, with specific guidance needed for them.

8. For pregnant women, milk consumption supports the child's bone health and skeletal growth.

9. Children need dietary calcium and protein to achieve optimal peak bone mass, with milk aiding vital skeletal growth.

10. For the elderly, milk-derived calcium helps prevent fractures and manage osteoporosis, making it a crucial dietary component.