9 Amazing Health Benefits Of Eating Raw Onion

Rich in antioxidants: Onions have flavonoids that may help in protecting against chronic disease like cancer and diabetes.

Anti-Cancer Compounds: Sulphur-containing compounds in onions may reduce the risk of certain cancers, such as colorectal cancer.

Antibacterial Properties: Onions can inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria like E. coli and MRSA, especially older, stored onions.

Heart Health: Quercetin in onions may lower blood pressure, manage cholesterol levels, and reduce inflammation.

Bone Health: Frequent onion consumption is linked to improved bone density and a reduced risk of fractures.

Gut Health: Onions have prebiotic fibre that supports gut health by fueling beneficial bacteria and producing SCFAs.

Blood Sugar Regulation: Onions may help regulate blood sugar levels, particularly in diabetics, due to their quercetin content.

Respiratory Support: Compounds in onions may relax airway muscles and reduce lung inflammation, benefiting asthma and bronchitis.

Weight Management: Onions and their extracts may reduce body fat and improve liver function, aiding in obesity prevention.

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