10 Health Benefits Of Eating Papaya

Published by: ABP Live
Image Source: Pinterest/SandInSuitcase

1. Boosts Immunity:

Papaya is extremely rich in vitamins A and C. It helps the body fight off infections by enhancing the immune function.

Image Source: Pinterest/healthiersteps

2. Improves Digestion:

Papain, an enzyme that breaks down protein, is present in papaya. This helps in improving digestion and constipation.

Image Source: Pinterest/minimalistbaker

3. Supports Heart Health:

Papaya is good for heart health. It helps in reducing cholesterol levels because of high antioxidants and fibre properties. It further results in a better overall cardiovascular health.

Image Source: Pinterest/pexels

4. Promotes Healthy Skin:

The vitamins present in papaya improve the elasticity of our skin and reduce signs of ageing. It also promotes collagen production.

Image Source: Pinterest/mbpapaya

5. Reduces Inflammation:

Papaya is good for people with arthritis and other inflammatory conditions since it has high anti-inflammatory properties.

Image Source: Pinterest/marthaartlover

6. Aids Weight Loss:

Papaya helps us feel full for a longer period of time and hence supports weight management. It is because it has low calories and high fibre content.

Image Source: Pinterest/zumanutritionhealth

7. Enhances Vision:

It supports eye health and prevents age related macular degeneration since it’s rich in beta-carotene.

Image Source: Pinterest/zumanutritionhealth

8. Regulates Blood Sugar:

People with diabetes are recommended papaya as it regulates blood sugar. Its fibre content helps in stabilising the blood sugar levels.

Image Source: Pinterest/idivaofficial

9. Boosts Metabolism:

Papaya boosts metabolism by efficient conversion of food into energy. The enzymes present in papaya help increase the rate of metabolism.

Image Source: Pinterest/ricardomereu

10. Supports Bone Health:

Amongst other vitamins, papaya also contains vitamin K. This vitamin is crucial for maintaining overall skeletal health and bone density.

Image Source: Pinterest/anjanadev