Bollywood actress and former Miss India Neha Dhupia celebrates her birthday on August 27. As the actress turns a year wiser, we take a look at how she has paved her path in the industry. Neha Dhupia won the beauty pageant Femina Miss India in 2002 and was also among the top 10 finalists of Miss Universe. She made her acting debut with Ajay Devgn starrer 'Qayamat' in 2003. The actress has always been vocal about her life choices and has been an advocate of women's rights. She was brutally trolled for a comment that she made as a judge on MTV Roadies but Neha gave it back to her haters. Married to Angad Bedi, she was already pregnant with his child when they tied-the-knot in 2018. A mother of 2, Neha embraced her post-pregnancy weight gain and advocated breastfeeding in public. She also embraces her grey hair unabashedly. We wish the gorgeous diva a very Happy Birthday!