Shahid and Mira Kapoor threw a birthday party for their daughter Misha, on her 6th birthday, on Friday. The power-couple looked picture-perfect as they twinned in black. Shahid's half-brother Ishaan Khatter and their mother Neelima Azim were also present. Several popular celebrities of tinsel town attended the birthday party with their kids. Mira striking a pose with her mother-in-law. Shahid's father Pankaj Kapur was also in attendance with wife Supriya Pathak and daughter Sanah Kapur. Angad Bedi also arrived with his son Guriq. Riteish and Genelia Deshmukh with their kids. Shahid's best friend Kunal Kemmu also came with wife Soha Ali Khan and daughter Inaaya. Karan Johar's kids Yash and Ruhi at Misha's birthday party.