10 Reasons To Include The Super Fruit Guava In Your Diet

It Keeps The Heart Healthy: Guava's high antioxidant content can help treat a variety of cardiac diseases, and help improve the sodium and potassium balance in the body.

Helps To Maintain The Digestive System: Being a great source of dietary fibre, guava eases diarrhoea and constipation.

Is Good For Eyesight: Guava is well known for enhancing eye health since it contains vitamin A. Macular degeneration and cataract development may be slowed down, on regular consumption of guava.

Helps To Maintain Healthy Skin: Antioxidants including carotene, lycopene, and vitamins A and C are abundant in guavas and help shield the skin from a variety of skin-related conditions.

Guava Is A Good Stress-Buster: Guava also helps to relax the body's muscles and nerves thanks to the magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium it contains.

Is A Great Option For People With Diabetes: It also prevents the onset of diabetes due to its high fibre content and low glycemic index.

Guava Also Helps To Boost Immunity: Through its effects on natural killer cells and antimicrobial bacteria, guava also strengthens the body's immune systems.

Guava Helps To Manage Weight Gain: Including guava in your daily fruit bowl will reduce the accumulation of fats in the body.

Guava Beats Toothache: Guava leaves contain strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that fight inflammation and eradicate germs.

It Is Good For The Brain: Guava is also believed to enhance mental processes by boosting blood flow and oxygen delivery to the brain's tissues.