Indian Audience Has Highest Level Of Trust In Legacy Online News Platforms: DNPA-EY Survey

Indian Audience Has Highest Level Of Trust In Legacy Online News Platforms: DNPA-EY Survey

ABP News
DNPA-EY study shows that the Indian audience exhibits the highest level of trust in online news platforms affiliated with legacy newspaper and television brands.

DNPA-EY study shows that the Indian audience exhibits the highest level of trust in online news platforms affiliated with legacy newspaper and television brands.

ABP News
Online news platforms of legacy news companies have a unique reach of 341 million. 61% reported encountering fake news, with 33% facing difficulty in identifying it.

Online news platforms of legacy news companies have a unique reach of 341 million. 61% reported encountering fake news, with 33% facing difficulty in identifying it.

ABP News
Digital news reached over 459 million individuals in the year 2023, lesser than the past two years.

Digital news reached over 459 million individuals in the year 2023, lesser than the past two years.

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Among these 459 million people, consumers, on average, utilised more than two platforms to access news, with 38% consuming online news more than once a day.

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According to EY's survey, 83 per cent of consumers consumed online news via the Web and only a mere 10 per cent used some specific apps for it.

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86% of people consume news through these devices, while only 14% use desktops or laptops for this purpose.

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Indian consumer spends around 135 minutes per month consuming news digitally, equating to less than four minutes per day to stay informed.

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In India, digital media manages to amass advertising revenues of Rs 40,835 crore, yet news generation companies only receive a modest 4% share, amounting to Rs 1,545 crore.

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Subscription revenues for digital news companies amount to Rs 184 crore, constituting 11% of their total revenues. 49% is dedicated to the cost of news gathering and 44% is allocated towards customer acquisition and technology development.

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