'Golden Era For Tech-Savvy Youth': Nirmala Sitharaman Announces Rs 1 Lakh Crore Corpus During Budget Speech

FM Sitharman during the Budget speech highlighted a promising outlook for the tech-savvy youth, stating that this will be a golden era for them.

FM said, 'A corpus of Rs 1 lakh crore will be established with a 50-year interest-free loan provided. It will be for long-term financing or re-financing with low or nil interest rates.'

She noted, 'We need to have programmes that combine the powers of our youth and technology.'

She also announced that a new scheme will be launched for strengthening deep-tech technologies for defence purposes and expediting 'atmanirbharta'.

Speaking on new-age tech, she said, 'New-age technologies and data are changing the lives of people and businesses.'

She added, 'They are also enabling new economic opportunities and facilitating provision of high-quality services at affordable prices for all, including those at the bottom of the pyramid.'

The minister remarked that India is leading the way in showing solutions through innovation and entrepreneurship of its people.

She added that opportunities for India and its citizens are expanding at the global level.

Since this was the Interim Budget, the Finance Minister stayed true to convention and proposed not to make any changes to tax slabs.

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