Bhojpuri actor Antara Biswas, known by her stage name Monalisa, looked gorgeous in a stunning red saree She has primarily worked in Bhojpuri movies, but has also appeared in Hindi, Bengali, Odia and Tamil films as well. She also participated in the famous reality show Big Boss 10 in the year 2016. She complemented her saree with a sleeveless blouse and wore bangles and oxidised earrings as well. She left her hair loose and completed her outfit wearing a dash of red lipstick. She posted a series of pictures on Instagram and wrote 'RAMA' as the caption to her post. Her pictures received a lot of acclaimation from her fans and they poured in heart emojis. She also mentioned her makeup artist-Sachin Salvi and hair stylist Shabana Qureshi. Her photographs in this attire were clicked by Deepak Pathak. In one of the pictures she was seen grooving to a tune in the saree.