Ranveer Singh’s pastel pink ensemble seemed flawlessly on-point. Here’s a playful casual look which he topped off with white sunglasses and a pearl necklace. Ranveer can be seen sporting black tees with deep maroon velvet bell bottoms and sneakers. Bringing in the athleisure trend, Ranveer wore comfiest and an eye-catching Gucci X Adidas collection. The actor wore an incredibly light and airy Gucci tropical shirt with a silver chain and earring. Sylebound Ranveer Singh killed a blue sweatshirt and styled it with a yellow Gucci bag. Ranveer in an oversized white hoodie and highly appealing blue pants. Fashion leader Ranveer Singh sported a mustard yellow Gucci coat set with a contrasting light tan matching hat and shoes. Ranveer Singh donned a three-piece blazer ensemble and styled it with white boots and a gold neckpiece. This supercool playful look of Ranveer Singh is one of our favorite looks.