Khloe Kardashian Thanks Manish Malhotra For Dreamy Pink Lehenga Khloe Kardashian donned a lehenga during her India visit for the Ambani wedding. The reality TV star was one of the special guests at Anant and Radhika's wedding. Khloe accompanied her sister Kim Kardashian during their India visit. For day 2 of the wedding, Khloe dolled up in a hot pink lehenga by Manish Malhotra. She shared a series of pictures on Instagram featuring her dreamy look. Khloe also thanked Manish Malhotra for the gorgeous outfit. She wrote, 'the stunning outfits you created for us are so intricate, detailed and breathtaking! Thank you' Manish Malhotra replied on Khloe's post calling it 'an honour and absolute pleasure.' All Image: Khloe Kardashian/Instagram.