Tamannah Bhatia Stuns In A Black And Gold Lehenga At Anant-Radhika's Wedding Tamannaah attended the Mangal Utsav hosted by Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant. The actor embraced the black-and-gold look for the event. Tamannaah dressed elegantly in a lehenga. The beautiful lehenga, worth Rs 3.85 lakh, was designed by Torani. Her mermaid-inspired lehenga had intricate pattern work and a snug fit. The actor paired the eye-catching lehenga with a matching black potli and a heavy dupatta. She chose not to wear any jewellery, allowing her outfit to be the main focus. All she added was a medium-sized maang-tika and a few tiny gold jhumkis. Photo credit: Manav Manglani