Jhanvi Kapoor’s shimmery red ensemble exudes her signature charm and sensual finesse. Shanaya Kapoor rocks a red two piece Co-ord set with a vest and pants giving us ultimate festive vibes. Ananya Pandey’s red hot moment with a statement choker is sultry chic at its best. Raja Kumari is a vision of beauty in her stunning red ensemble. Karishma Tanna steals the show in a classic red gown. Shriya Saran embraces desi vibes in a stunning red saree. Surveen Chawla exudes boss lady vibes in a hot red blazer suit. Jasmine Bhasin looks sweet as ever in a chic red dress. Stealing the spotlight in a striking red sheer saree, Amyra is the girl of our dreams. Red hot moments with Saiee M Manjrekar in her one-shoulder dress is what we are living for. The gorgeous Chitrangada Singh stuns in a satin red gown with a daring high slit. Namrata Sheth is all things fabulous in her red boss woman attire.