Actor Athiya Shetty and cricketer KL Rahul, the newlywed couple, were congratulated by Bollywood celebs on their wedding. On Monday evening, Athiya Shetty and Rahul posted the first photos from their wedding on Instagram. Celebrities congratulated the pair in the comments section and on their social media accounts. Many congratulations to the beautiful couple. A lifetime of laughter and love, Kareena Kapoor wrote on her Instagram. Anushka Sharma wrote , Congratulations @athiyashetty and @klrahul. Wishing you both a lifetime of togetherness, immense love and light. Karisma Kapoor also wrote, Congratulations to the gorgeous couple. Wish you the best my cutie Athiya. Congratulations @athiyashetty @klrahul....Here's to decades of love and happiness, said Karan Johar. Alia Bhatt, on her Instagram Stories, wrote, Congratulations you two. The couple tied the knot at Suniel Shetty's Khandala farmhouse. Photo credit: Instagram