The Selfiee star cast, including Akshay, Emraan, Nushrrratt, and Diana, showed up to the premiere of the trailer. Along with the director Raj Mehta, the actors gathered at Juhu for the trailer's launch. At the premiere, Akshay Kumar and Emraan Hashmi posed for a picture together. The stars arrived in style and made a dapper appearance. Akshay donned an all pink suit and looked handsome as ever. The trailer of Selfiee shows Akshay Kumar playing the role of a Bollywood superstar. Emraan plays a police officer and a fan of Vijay (Akshay Kumar). The film is an official Hindi remake of the Malayalam movie Driving License. Other than the star cast, Karan Johar and Prithviraj Sukumaran were the attendees. Photo credit: Manav Manglani