Aaradhya Bachchan and her parents, actors Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, were spotted at the airport. Abhishek was dressed in a sweatshirt, pants and white sneakers. He also carried black backpack with him. Aaradhya was dressed in a pink top, matching shoes and blue jeans, while Aishwarya was donned in black. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was seen holding Aaradhya's hand as they walked through the airport. Taimur and Saif too were seen arriving at the Mumbai airport to catch a flight. They stepped out of the car accompanied by Taimur's nanny. Taimur was seen walking around in a light green t-shirt, beige pants, and a blue cap. He also carried a guitar bag along with him as he walked at the airport, and we have seen him playing the instrument earlier. Saif looked smart as usual in a sky-blue shirt and ripped jeans. Recently, Saif was seen with Hrithik Roshan in Pushkar Gayatri's Vikram Vedha, and will next be seen in the movie Adipurush.