Fashion designer Masaba Gupta married an actor Satyadeep Misra on January 27 in a private ceremony in front of their family. Her family along with many Bollywood stars showed up to their wedding party hours later. Masaba's mother, actor Neena Gupta, and father, cricketer Vivian Richards, as well as Neena's husband Vivek Mehra attended the bash. Neena and Vivian looked emotional as they spoke about the bride and groom. The mother-daughter duo was also seen distributing sweets outside the vennue. Neena Gupta was dressed in a white and beige attire for the party. She even posed with the newlyweds, Masaba and Satyadeep. Actors Sonam Kapoor, Dia Mirza and Konkona Sen Sharma, among many others, also joined their wedding bash. Sonam Kapoor chose an ethnic black-and-white outfit for the event. Photo credit: Manav Manglani