Shruti Haasan Celebrates Birthday With Santanu Hazarika, Kajol And Others. Have A Look The actress celebrated her 36th birthday with Santanu Hazarika, sister Akshara Haasan, and other friends. She took to her Instagram story and shared a few glimpses of the birthday party Owing to her love for black, Shruti opted for a black-themed party. She wore a easy breezy black maxi dress and looked stunning in it. All the guests at her party were too dressed in black as per the theme. Bollywood actress Kajol also attended Shruti's birthday bash. She posed for photographs wearing a simple crown while surrounded by silver balloons and a foil 'Happy B-Day' cutout. As a caption she wrote- Best Birthday ever. I'm so thankful for the beautiful souls around me. On the work front, she is celebrating the success of her films 'Veera Simha Reddy' and 'Waitair Veerayya' She will be seen next alongside Prabhas in Prashanth Neel’s forthcoming action flick, 'Salaar'