Ananya Panday is currently busy promoting her upcoming film 'Liger'. The actress has sported denim on denim look twice during the film's promotions. In one of the looks, Ananya wore was a blue denim bralette with a V neckline. She paired it with a pair of high-rise flared jeans. Ananya completed her look with a pair of hoop earrings and pair of white sneakers. Ananya slayed another denim on denim look wearing a white pair of jeans, bralette and a crop jacket. Ananya kept the look minimal with a pair of hoop earrings and her hair kept open in soft curls. The look proves that denim on denim look is here to stay. In this look, Ananya is weaing a denim jacket with shoulder pads, notched lapels, and frayed hems. Jacket is worn over a ribbed crop top which had blue stripes and a close ribbed neck. She paired it with wide-legged pants. Sneakers and earrings completed her look.