Bollywood divas Sara Ali Khan, Pooja Hegde, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Rashmika Mandana were spotted in the city. Sara Ali Khan was spotted outside her gym in Mumbai. Sara was seen wearing a crop top with 'Dump Him' written on it and she paired it with shorts. Pooja Hegde too was spotted outside her gym. Pooja waas seen wearing gym wear, with her hair kept open and a pair of slippers. Pooja was last seen in 'Radhe Shyaam' opposite Prabhas. Rashmika Mandanna was spotted at the Mumbai airport. Rashimka had covered her face with mask, cap as she got clicked at Mumbai Airport. Kareena Kapoor Khan was papped in Bandra. The actress was seen wearing a peach coloured shirt and white trousers. Kareena's look was casual and comfy. Kareena Kapoor's latest outing 'Laal Singh Chaddha' failed to make a mark at the box office.