Ananya Panday dominated the red carpet at Hello Hall of Fame Awards 2022 with her jaw-dropping look in a lace gown. The ‘Gehraiyaan’ star is setting fashion trends with her latest look with a high braid hairstyle. Ananya's sleeveless black gown featured a halter high-rise neckline & plunging back in a criss-cross pattern. The actress posted a string of pictures, in which she can be seen wearing a feather-styled black dress. Ananya won the most promising talent of the year award. The actress is winning the internet with her latest look. Ananya wore the ensemble with black embellished strappy heels, statement rings, and dainty earrings. She tied her tresses in a sleek braided high ponytail. She finished her look with minimalistic, gold jewellery. All Pics & Video Credit: Ananya Panday's Instagram/Manav Manglani