Kiara Advani made heads turn at Hello Hall Of Fame Awards 2022 in her elegant and sultry avatar. Kiara Advani wore a yellow strappy gown with a risqué thigh-high slit for the award night. Kiara struck several poses as the paparazzi clicked her. The thigh-high slit detailing at the side of the dress added oomph. The actress soared the temperature in her backless shimmery yellow gown. For footwear, Kiara opted for strappy pumps with pearl embellishments. The actress styled her hair in a high braided ponytail. She chose a dainty ring and colourful star-shaped earrings with shimmering stones. Kiara certainly looked like a million bucks on the red carpet. The actress left the award night with her rumoured beau Siddharth Malhotra.