On Thursday, the two lovebirds Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant officially got engaged. The Ambani family threw a lavish party, and many of Bollywood's biggest stars were there. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan arrived with her beautiful daughter Aaradhya. Ananya Panday graced the engagement party in a white ethnic look. Katrina Kaif showed up without hubby Vicky Kaushal. The sister duo: Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor. Superlatively dapper, actor Akshay Kumar. Karan Johar also came in a traditional garb. Varun Dhawan came with wife Natasha Dalal. Director Ayan Mukerji was also one of the attendees. Sara Ali Khan arrived in a royal look. Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh made the party more dazzling Arjun Kapoor posed with his dad Boney Kapoor. The guestlist also included Gauri and Aryan Khan. All Images: Manav Manglani