Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant got engaged amidst family and friends today The couple was engaged in the Ambani residence at Antilia Radhika Merchant wore a cream-coloured lehenga for her engagement ceremony Anant Ambani wore a navy blue kurta with a black waistcoat Radhika and Anant looked dapper together in contrasting outfits Both Merchant & Ambani families sought the blessings of Lord Krishna before proceeding with the engagement ceremony The entire Ambani family was all smiles as they posed for the paps Shloka Mehta and Akash Ambani also wore contrasting outfits for Radhika-Anant's engagement Mukesh Ambani and Neeta Ambani wore matching cream-coloured ethnic outfits ( All Pics Credit: Manav Manglani)