Alia Bhatt attended the 21st ITA Awards in a stunning silver saree and sleeveless blouse. The actress greetd paps in Gangubai Kathiawadi style on the red carpet. Alia stunned in a sterling silver saree and sleeveless blouse. Alia also bumped into Rakhi Sawant on the red carpet. Alia's sterling silver saree is made from recycled nylon base and repurposed degradable faux leather combined with a metallic parachute. Alia teamed her silver saree with a sleeveless blouse. Alia's blouse featured a plunging V neckline and backless detailing. Alia opted for silver layered earrings and rings to complete her look. The actress greeted paparazzi with folded hands. Alia exudes poise, elegance and confidence as she posed for shutterbugs.