Drama queen Rakhi Sawant and Bollywood superstar Ranveer Singh stole the limelight on the red carpet of ITA Awards 2022. The who’s and who of Bollywood & TV attended the ITA Awards 2022. Rakhi Sawant turned heads in all-black outfit with a huge red rose on her head. Rakhi met Ranveer Singh on the red carpet. The duo left everyone amused with their fun banter. Rakhi was also elated to meet 'Gangubai Kathiawadi' actress Alia Bhatt on red carpet. Rakhi & Ranveer even grooved together in front of the shutterbugs. Rakhi and Ranveer also posed for the shutterbugs. These pics of Rakhi and Ranveer are going viral on social media. Rakhi's outfit caught everyone's attention at the award night.