Rising Threat: How Dangerous Animal-Borne Diseases Are Impacting Human Health | Health Live

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Diseases transmitted from animals to humans, known as zoonotic diseases, have become a significant health concern. COVID-19, for instance, originated from bats, bird flu from poultry, and monkeypox from monkeys. These infections, once confined to animals, are now spreading to humans, raising alarm among scientists. Zoonosis involves pathogens like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites transmitted through close contact with animals. The rise of such diseases is linked to increased human-animal interactions, driven by deforestation and industrialization over the past 20-25 years.

Microbiologist Dr. Varsha Sredhar emphasizes the need for personal hygiene to prevent zoonotic diseases. Simple practices like thorough hand washing after animal contact, wearing protective clothing, and masks can significantly reduce risk. Staying safe involves both protecting yourself and minimizing exposure to potential disease sources.

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