Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath dropped significant hints regarding Kashi and Mathura, where the disputed Gyanvapi and Shahi Idgah mosque are located, during his address in the Assembly on Wednesday. Referring to the Mahabharata, Adityanath mentioned that while Krishna had asked for five villages, today the Hindu society is only seeking the three centres of their faith — Ayodhya, Kashi, and Mathura.

Recalling the Mahabharata narrative, Adityanath referred to the episode where Krishna sought only five villages from the Kauravas, reflecting on the parallel with the Hindu society seeking development in the three centres of faith.

"At the time, Krishna went to the Kauravas and only wanted five villages. Krishna told them to keep the rest for themselves. "Duryodhan woh bhi de na saka, ashish samaj ki le na saka," Adityanath stated. "This is what happened at Ayodhya, Kashi, and Mathura...Krishna desired five villages, but Hindu society has sought only three centers—the centres of our faith," Adityanath stated. 

"These three centres are very special to the faith. There is a determination, and when politics gets involved in it, it creates division," Adityanath remarked.

Addressing the topic of Ayodhya's Ram Temple, Adityanath expressed satisfaction that Lord Ram had been installed in the temple. He highlighted the perseverance demonstrated in establishing the temple and emphasised the significance of following through on commitments. Adityanath said, "We do not only talk. We walk the talk". 

Commenting on the delay in the pran-pratisha of the Ram Temple, Adityanath questioned the mentality that hindered the development of Ayodhya, Kashi, and Mathura. He mentioned the curfews and prohibitions faced by Ayodhya during the previous government's rule and drew parallels with the injustices faced by the Pandavas in the Mahabharata.

"This (pran-pratisha of Ram Temple) should have happened sooner. We know the issue was subjudice. However, the roads in Ayodhya could have been widened and an airport built. But what was the mentality behind halting the development of Ayodhya, Kashi, and Mathura?" Adityanath asked.

"The previous government imposed curfews and prohibitions in Ayodhya. For centuries, Ayodhya was the victim of evil intentions. Ayodhya faced injustice. And when I speak of injustice, I must refer to the injustice that occurred 5,000 years ago. Pandavas, too, faced injustice," Adityanath said, delving into Mahabharata references.

"The previous government imposed curfews and prohibitions in Ayodhya. For centuries, Ayodhya was the victim of evil intentions. Ayodhya faced injustice. And when I speak of injustice, I must refer to the injustice that occurred 5,000 years ago. Pandavas, too, faced injustice," Adityanath said, delving into Mahabharata references.

The Chief Minister also mentioned Nandi Baba's observation of Ayodhya's celebrations and drew a parallel to the opening of Vyas ji ka tahkhana in the Gyanvapi mosque in Varanasi.

"Yogi Adityanath said after Nandi Baba saw the celebrations of the Ayodhya, he thought why should he wait," Yogi said.