Three days after an eight-year-old girl was kidnapped from East Delhi's Kalyanpuri, her body was found on Friday in the sugarcane fields in a village near Modinagar, Ghaziabad. The Delhi police has arrested four persons for the kidnapping cum murder of the girl including her neighbour identified as Jhony alias Shiva.

According to police the girl was kidnapped from Kalyanpuri on Tuesday evening by Jhony and his accomplices and allegedly spirited away in a van. She was later taken to an undisclosed location as the family of the girl lodged a police complaint. The Delhi police registered a kidnapping case and formed teams to trace the suspects in the case.

"We have arrested the four accused in the kidnapping and murder case of Kalyanpuri. The accused are identified as Jhony, Naresh, Kailash and Tarun. The weapon of offence has been recovered" said Deepak Yadav, DCP East.

After the prime accused Jhony was seen luring the girl in a CCTV footage, the Delhi police arrested the accused which later led to the arrest of his three accomplices in the crime.

Police said Jhony is a driver by profession and had a theft case registered against him in 2002. Police is also verifying if he has a murder case registered against him in Uttar Pradesh.

After Jhony confessed to the murder of the victim, he was taken to Bhojpur near Ghaziabad's Modinagar in Uttar Pradesh after which the body of the girl was found in a sugarcane field near Tibra village where one of the relatives of the accused resides. Police sources said that the girl was killed with a blunt object.

The police said that no ransom call was made by the accused. Meanwhile, the relatives of the deceased staged a protest on NH-24 and Kalyanpuri police station and criticized Delhi police for failing to act in time and rescue the girl.