Covid-19 third wave: The second wave of the Covid-19 virus had caused unrepairable damage. What happened back a few months ago had scared people and caused shared trauma. People had seen their loved ones die as they struggled to get life-saving oxygen cylinders. Meanwhile, the professor of IIT Kanpur has projected an optimistic scenario. IIT Professor Manindra Agarwal has claimed that according to the 'Sutra' model for Covid-19, the third wave will be less lethal than the second wave. He has expressed the possibility of the third wave coming between October-November.

Professor Agrawal said that for the assessment of the third wave, they have done a lot of calculations through their model in the last one month. From their findings, it has emerged that the third wave is not going to be as dangerous as the second wave. They have made their findings based on 3 scenarios. If a new variant arrives by the end of August, which is going to spread faster than the Delta variant, then the third wave will come in the time of October-November. The third wave will be comparable to the first one. 

5-20% of people lose their immunity - Professor

The professor told that it seems unlikely that the third wave will come in India due to the presence of delta variant If a new variant comes to India, which is going to spread faster than the Delta variant, then it will spread to some extent. They have taken 2 things into account in their calculations. The first is the loss of immunity in the recovered population. As per some studies conducted last year, 5 to 20% of people lose their immunity. Thus, there is a possibility of getting infected again.

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