PM Modi Ayodhya Visit: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is on a visit to Uttar Pradesh's Ayodhya, said on Saturday that the poor people of India got modern trains of new design today. PM Modi's remarks came after he flagged off two new Amrit Bharat trains and six new Vande Bharat trains. During his visit, the Prime Minister lunched multiple projects worth Rs 15,700 crore.  

Speaking after the project launch, PM Modi said that the infrastructure-related works will once again establish modern Ayodhya with pride on the map of the country.

"Today, the foundation stone of development works worth more than Rs 15 thousand crore has been laid and inaugurated here.  These infrastructure-related works will once again establish modern Ayodhya with pride on the map of the country. Today's India is beautifying its pilgrimage sites and is also immersed in the world of digital technology," PM Modi said. 

During his address, PM Modi also said that today the whole world is eagerly waiting for January 22. The consecration ceremony of the Ram temple will be held on January 22 in Ayodhya. The Prime Minister urged the public to visit Ram Mandir after January 23 to avoid a rush. He further stated that the people of Ayodhya should be prepared for the rush of visitors from across the globe, and Ayodhya residents now have a big responsibility to keep Ayodhya clean.