The school teacher, who was seen in a viral video instigating students to beat their classmate in Uttar Pradesh’s Muzaffarnagar, said on Saturday that the video that went viral was edited and cut, and she had no such intention. She further stated that Hindus and Muslims in the area stay with unity in the area. "The video that was made viral was edited and cut, I had no such intentions…in our place, Hindus and Muslims stay with unity and we have more Muslim students in our school,” the teacher told the news agency ANI. She said there was pressure from the child's parents to be strict with him as he was not doing homework for the last 2 months.

“There was pressure from the parents of the child to be strict with him. I am handicapped I can’t get up…he was not doing homework for last 2 months…so I made 2-3 students beat him up so that he would start doing his work,” Tyagi said, as quoted by ANI. 

The teacher, identified as Tripta Tyagi, also allegedly made some objectionable remarks which have stirred controversy. Tyagi stated that she just said that 'Muhamdan' (Muslim) mothers must not take their kids to their uncle’s house as the exam is approaching and students are unable to take the exam, resulting in a loss for the school. She stated that the video was cut and the Muhamdan' word was taken.

“What I said was 'Muhamdan mothers' must not take their kids to their uncles’ homes as the exam is approaching. But they cut this video and took the 'Muhamdan' word…I had no such intentions…I have made a mistake and I seek apology with folded hands," she added. 

Teacher Made Students Beat My Child Again And Again, Says Father Of The Child Seen In Viral Video

The father of the child seen in the video being beaten by his classmates said that his nephew made the video and the teacher made the students beat the child again and again. He also claimed that the child was tortured for an hour or two. The father further stated that this matter is not about Hindu or Muslim and the law should take its own course.

"My son is seven years old. This incident happened on 24th August. The teacher made the students beat my child again & again. My nephew made the video and had gone to school for some work...My seven-year-old child was tortured for an hour or two. He is scared...This is not a Hindu-Muslim matter. We want the law should take its own course," the father said, as quoted by ANI.

Complaint Has Been Registered And Action Will Be Taken, Say Muzaffarnagar Police

The Muzaffarnagar Police have said that a complaint has been registered in the case and action will be taken. Muzaffarnagar DM Arvind Mallappa said that the child, who was seen in the viral video, is receiving counselling sessions from the Child Welfare Committee.

 "The video has been circulating since yesterday evening & an inquiry was conducted. On inquiry, it was found that the video was filmed by the boy's uncle...This morning their complaint was registered. The Child Welfare Committee is giving counselling sessions to the child. Since the complaint has been registered action will be taken...," Muzaffarnagar DM Arvind Mallappa said, as quoted by ANI.