Wandering who is Shriya Pilgaonkar, the actress getting rave reviews for The Broken News? Shriya is the daughter of well-known actors Sachin and Supriya Pilgaonkar Shriya is also a director, producer and stage performer The 33-year old made her debut with the Marathi film Ekulti Ek alongside her parents Shriya Pilgaonkar has also worked with the Oscar-winning director Claude Lelouch in ' Un plus une' Shriya Pilgaonkar mader her Bollywood debut with Shah Rukh Khan's film 'Fan' in 2016 In 2018, she played the role of Sweety Sharma in Mirzapur There has been no looking back since the success of Mirzapur Shriya has appeared in shows like Guilty Minds, The Broken News, Crackdown, The Gone Game, among others Shriya has also directed and produced short films