Masaba Gupta was dressed in a stunning pink saree and matching blouse. Mira Rajput wore a velvet embroidered blouse with a chiffon embellished saree. Ayushmann Khurrana wore a white suit from the Gucci X Adidas line. Tamanna Bhatia donned a black bodycon dress with sheer cape. Vijay Varma made an appearance dressed in all-black, with a blazer with a train on the back. Manushi Chhillar wore a plunging neck blouse, a black chiffon saree, and sheer gloves. With her rani pink brocade outfit, Aditi Rao Hydari added a traditional twist. Shibani Dandekar was dressed in a white midi dress and thigh-high boots. Mrunal Thakur was dressed in a jacquard minidress with a deep plunge neckline. Gabriella Demetriades wore a black corset top, a cape jacket, and straight-fitting pants.