Vicky and Katrina looked the picture-perfect couple as they arrived for Ramesh Taurani's Diwali bash. Shehnaaz Gill looked gorgeous as she made an appearance in a shimmery black saree. Filmmaker Kabir Khan and wife Mini Mathur opted for different shades of red. Rohit Saraf looked dapper in a black ensemble as he posed with the host. Lovebirds Rakul Preet and Jackky Bhagnani looked vibrant in their ethnic ensembles. Sharvari Wagh glowed in a pink and pastel green lehenga. Shilpa Shetty also arrived for the Diwali bash with Raj Kundra who had his face covered with a mask. 'Anupama' fame actress Rupali Ganguly looked graceful in a blue saree. Television actor Karan Patel with wife Ankita Bhargava. Riteish and Genelia Deshmukh twinned in blue outfits. Aditya Roy Kapur slayed in a black kurta pyjama. Nikhil Dwivedi with his wife. Gurmeet Choudhary exuded swag in a pink kurta pajama. Athiya Shetty looked glam and gorgeous in a white outfit. Ravi Dubey and Sargun Mehta rocked the Diwali look.